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Brief introduction of β-carotene

Source:www.feixiangkouqiang.com Publication time:2022/1/28 15:12:45 Hits:times
1. The source of beta carotene:

Beta carotene was isolated from carrot for the first time in 1831. Scientists have never ceased to study carotene, its good coloring performance and nutritional fortification function is constantly recognized by people.

Two. The structure of beta carotene:

Beta-Carotene (hereinafter referred to as beta-C) is the precursor of vitamin A (Vitamin A). Its molecular formula is C40H56 and its molecular weight is 536.88.

  Three, the earliest commercial production companies and their usage:

By the 1950s, the commercial production of synthetic beta-carotene from chemicals was first completed in Basf, Germany. In the following 30 years, chemically synthesized carotene products dominated the market.

Beta-carotene research in China started relatively late. In 1988, it was first trial-produced by Shanghai Sixth Pharmaceutical Factory and won the second prize of National Science and Technology Progress.

The price of natural beta-carotene in the world is about twice that of synthetic beta-carotene. Natural beta-carotene accounts for 5-6% of total beta-carotene in the world. The United States is the largest consumer of beta carotene in the world.

Four. The toxicity of synthetic pigments:

With the continuous development of toxicology and analytical technology, the toxicity of food pigments has emerged. Scientists have found that many synthetic pigments have certain toxicity. The harm is more and more obvious, and the problem is more and more serious. The main manifestations are carcinogenic, teratogenic, low intelligence and other pathological phenomena. Many countries have successively formulated a series of regulations restricting the use of synthetic pigments. (for example, Norway and the United States prohibit the use of any synthetic pigment. In 1991, China stipulated that synthetic pigments should be produced on a designated basis and no synthetic pigments should be used in infant dairy products.

With the increasing demand of consumers for natural beta-carotene products, the demand for natural beta-carotene products is increasing.

Five, the concept of natural beta carotene:

Natural beta-carotene (Natural beta-carotene) is a kind of carotenoid which is synthesized and extracted from natural organisms (animals, plants, microorganisms).

Six. Source of natural beta carotene:

1. Extraction from natural plants

Which natural plants contain beta carrot?

1. Carrot, tomato, chili, pumpkin and so on, but low content is not desirable.

(2) Extraction of Dunaliella salina and Spirulina salina can realize industrialized production, but it needs less resources, high salinity Salt Lake and long sunshine time to grow salina.

Tianjin Lantai Bioengineering Co., Ltd. is one of the largest natural beta-carotene producing areas in China.

2, microbial synthesis in vivo, and then extract

Microorganisms capable of synthesizing beta carotene: first choice of three spores of B. armilli (Rhodotorula) and Rhodotorula (fungi)

The price difference between synthetic and natural products: the international price of natural beta-carotene is about twice the price of synthetic products.

Seven, the safety of natural beta carotene:

Natural beta-C is a nutritionally fortified food additive approved by the Joint Committee on Food Additives of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO). Natural beta -C has been listed as a colorant in People's Republic of China hygienic standard (GB 2760).

Natural beta carotene accounts for about 5% to 6% of the beta carotene market. The United States is the largest consumer of beta carotene in the world. 80% of our products are synthetic chemicals (BASF, DSM).

Eight. The beta carotene and its products produced by our company belong to the category of natural products.

Our company is based on corn starch, soybean meal, glucose, drinking water to prepare the culture medium for the production of bacteria, fermentation, extraction, refinement and natural beta-C.

Our company is currently on the market products: natural beta-carotene microcapsule powder 1% and "natural beta-carotene emulsion 2%"

The preparation of our pharmaceutical products:

1. Natural Beta-Carotene Microencapsulation Powder 1%: With natural Beta-C produced by our company as raw material, with edible starch, maltodextrin, as adjuncts, refined by microcapsule.

2. Natural beta-carotene emulsion 2%: and or microemulsion technology "natural beta-carotene emulsion" series products.

Therefore, the above two products are genuine "green food additives". The use of natural beta-C products instead of chemically synthesized beta-C products is not only of great significance to human health, but also has become a symbol of modern high-grade food.